Batch Jobs
The batch jobs are listed alphabetically in the below table and the last column indicates the location in the Batch Catalog. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet.
Job Name |
Description |
Advantage/infoAdvantage Security System Assurance |
This job provides a system assurance process driven from the Advantage side and focused on detecting infoAdvantage security entities defined in Advantage but not present in infoAdvantage security. Specifically the following situations will be detected and optionally corrected:
Expired Security Role Clean-Up |
This job is used to remove the security role associated with a user record, based on the Effective To date. This job automates the process of deleting the expired security role from the user record, based on the Effective To date. |
Lock Idle User |
This job locks or inactivates Idle user accounts (that is, users whom have not logged into the system for more than a specified number of days). If the difference between the Current System Date and the Last Login Date is greater than the value in the Idle Account Active Days field on the Security Configuration reference page, then the Locked Out field is set to Locked. |
Password Expire Email Notification |
This job sends emails to users whose password is going to expire. An email notification will be sent to users based on the number of days that has been set in the Password Warn Day Count field on the Security Configuration (SCCNFG) table or the Password Warn Day Count value that has been sent through the PSWD_WARN_DY_CT job parameter in the Password Expire Email Notification job. You can customize the notification email message text by updating the record on the Notification (NOTIF) page with a Notification ID of PW_EXP_MSG. |
RLS Existing Integrated Role Users |
This job is used to insert all existing user records assigned to the integration security role into the BI User Restriction table for the Row Level Security enhancement. |
Separation of Duties Audit Report |
This job produces a report that shows which users are failing to abide by the Restricted Security Role Pairs reference page. |