Copy User Roles

The Copy User Roles (SCCPRL) page is specialized page used to copy one or more of the security roles that have been assigned to one user to another user. This is very useful page if a Template User, has been created. That allows a User ID with a combination of security roles with the sole purpose of using that record to easily assign the security roles to existing users. Note: If using an LDAP solution and using Template Users then one needs to create these User IDs on the LDAP server as well since in that case CGI Advantage would validate that the User IDs are valid User IDs against the LDAP server.

To copy security roles from one user to another, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Copy Role From UserStep 1: Copy Role From User

After making your selection of a User ID to copy, click the Show Available Roles button to populate the listing of security roles defined to the user in the grid at the bottom of the page. One can select all grid records by selecting the check box in the grid header or individually select the check box for each security role to copy. Once selections have been made, click the Continue button to transition to Step 2.

Step 2: Copy Role To UserStep 2: Copy Role To User

Search for the user to copy their security roles. Select the user from the Available Users grid. If one wants to check for security roles already associated with the 'To User' click the Show Current Roles button to see the roles at the bottom of the page. If satisfied with your selections then click the Continue button to transition to Step 3.

Step 3: SummaryStep 3: Summary

This page allows the confirmation of the source and target users for the copy action. If satisfied with selections then one of the following actions is chosen:

  • Append To Existing Roles - Choosing this option will add the source user roles to the existing roles of the target user (excluding duplicates).

  • Replace Existing Roles - Choosing this option will replace the existing security roles assigned to the target user with the roles being copied from the source user, including duplicates.

Click the Finish button to complete the Copy User Roles process.