Generate MRT - Security

This page allows authorized users to generate the MRT file online. The MRT data file must be generated any time data modifications are made in tables identified as being memory resident. This newly generated MRT data takes effect only after the application server is recycled.

Any ADMN role user or user with a role matching the MRTGenerationRole parameter in the system’s Initialization Parameter file (ADV30Params.ini) can generate MRT data. The user can override the default MRT file name and location when generating the MRT file. This is a useful practice in cases where there is a requirement to backup the existing MRT file.

Field InformationField Information

MRT data can be generated in either production mode or debug mode.

  • Generate MRT (Production) - This action generates MRT data in production mode. The data file generated by this process is usable by the application server but is not formatted for easy viewing.

  • Generate MRT (Debug) - This action generates MRT data in debug mode. The data file generated in this process is unusable by the application server but is formatted for easy viewing.