Security Overview

Security is configured to achieve the following two aspects of ensuring data protection:

CGI Advantage makes use of Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA), Java Cryptography Extension (JCE), and Java Authentication and Authorization Services (JAAS) for user authentication and encryption of passwords that are stored in the system. To assist in this, a keystore containing a public/private key pair is created at the time of installation (see the CGI Advantage Installation Guide for more details). The Advantage Administration application uses the keystore to encrypt user email passwords for all other Advantage applications. The keystore itself is protected by a password, while the public/private key pair is protected by an alias and a password that is either provided by the user or randomly generated at the time of installation. The alias is used to distinguish among the different key entries in the keystore. The keystore is a file whose location is defined by an entry, KeyStoreLoc and the password that is used to protect the keystore is defined by the entry KeyStorePassword. The alias for the keys stored in the keystore is defined by the entry EncryptionKeyAlias and the password for the alias is defined by the entry EncryptionKeyPswd. These settings can be found in the system’s initialization parameter file, ADV30Params.ini.  They are set once at the time of installation, and are typically not changed.

It is recommended that the keystore file be secured to prevent accidental deletion. Also, a backup of this file should be maintained so that it can be retrieved in the case of accidental deletion.

As with other areas of CGI Advantage, data is delivered with the first three of the four components of security listed below:

Although there are many secondary parts of security setup, the fifth major component is the connection of resource groups and security roles together to define access, approval, and other system actions. These setup pages, or reference pages, will be covered first in this guide before discussing the specialized transaction that brings all the reference data into a transaction model to enable workflow.