Security Violation Run Inquiry

The Security Violation Run Inquiry (SCVIORUN) page is used to generate and display the list of users violating the restricted security role groups established on the Restricted Security Role Group (RESROLEP) page. To generate the list, select the Review Security Configuration button. This will create a record on the page and start an asynchronous process to generate the list of users with security violations. Once the process is completed the record’s Status will be: Running, Completed or Failed. The list of users with security violations can be viewed for each record by selecting the Users with Security Violations Related Pages link from the row-level menu. The process to generate the list of users violating the restricted security role groups checks violations from both the Assign Security Role to User (SCUROL) and Application Security Roles (APPROLES) pages.

If the user is not active on the User Information (SCUSER) page, then it will not appear in the list even if it is violating the restricted security role groups. In addition to that, if a user is assigned a security role on the SCUROL page with the Delegate flag set as Yes and the Effective From and Effective To fields are valid, then this record will not appear in the list.

Note: If the status of the record is Completed and there are no records on the Users with Security Violations page, then it means none of the users in the system are violating any restricted security role group policies.

Note: To search on the Security Roles field, use double quotes (“”). For Example: “ADMIN”, “ALL_READ*”, and so forth. Wildcards are also supported; however, the entire search string should be inside double quotes.

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