User Login Audit Log

CGI advantage provides the ability to track the information of users, who have accessed the system including their location and time. The feature can be enabled at the site level using the userInfoTracking.conf file. If enabled, Advantage tracks information for all the users that attempt to access the system using login actions. Refer to the “User Info Tracking Configuration” topic for more information.

A System Administrator can view the user’s tracking information via the User Login Audit Log (USRTRACK) page, if the enabled flag is true in the userInfoTracking.conf file. The following information is tracked on this page.

Field Name

Field Description

User ID

The user’s ID who tried to access the application.

IP Address

This field shows the IP address of the user’s system if the enabled flag for the ipAddress property in the userInfoTracking.conf file is set to true.

Action Date

This field shows the date and time when the attempt was made to access the application.

Resource ID

This field shows the action the user performed which includes Login, Change Password, and Reset User Password.


The Yes/No value in this field indicates whether the access to the application was successful or a failure.

Geo Location

This field shows the geo location of the user’s system including latitude and longitude, if the enabled property for the geolocation property in the userInfoTracking.conf file is set to true.

Example: {"latitude":"30.2133094","longitude":"-92.0516997"}

This information is subject to a user’s permission to access the location. The user will be prompted via a popup on the login screen, which asks whether the user allows the system to access system location.

Request Header

This field shows some additional information related to the user’s browser and operating system, if the enabled property for the requestHeader property in the userInfoTracking.conf file is set to true.

Example: {"user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36"}

The System Administrator can extract the entire data in csv format via System Maintenance Utility using the Export Data feature for the specific table (that is, SC_USER_TRACKING).