Assign Security Role to User

The Assign Security Role to User (SCUROL) page is used to grant and remove security roles assigned to a user. The first step is to locate the user. At that point the Edit action will transition to a page with two tabs. The User ID and Name of the selected user will appear above the tabs. Note: From the search page, select the User Information action from the row-level Related Pages menu to transition to the User Information page.  This action is also available on the Page-level menu of the Edit and View pages.

Current Roles

Available Roles

Note: An authorized user can also submit a User Maintenance (UDOC) to add or remove security roles. A Site Administrator can also remove security roles by submitting the Expired Security Role Clean-Up batch job. Emails are sent to users that are assigned a delegated security role for a specified time period (Notification ID: DGT_SEC_RL on the Notification Templates (NOTIF) page). Emails are also sent when a delegated security role is deleted from the user’s security roles (Notification ID: DLT_DGT_SE on the NOTIF page).