Virus Scan Audit Log

The Virus Scan Audit Log (SCVRSC) page displays the details of the virus scan interface process for all Advantage applications implemented for your site.

This page displays the following information:

  • User ID: The ID of the user who has uploaded the file.

  • File Name: The file that was uploaded by the user.

  • Upload Source: The page from where the file was uploaded by the user.

  • Scan Date: The date and time up to the last millisecond when the results of the file scan were available to the interface.

  • Suspicious: This field indicates if the file was determined to be suspicious or not. A value of True means the file was found to be suspicious by the antivirus software and might be infected with a virus or malware. A value of False means that the file was not found suspicious after the scan by the antivirus software.

  • Scan Details: Provides details of the scan. If the antivirus software provides details of the type of infection contained in the file, the details are displayed in this column.

  • Application: The name of the application that the user had logged into when uploading the file. Since FIN, HRM and Admin all log their details only in the Admin application, this column provides the exact place from where the file was uploaded.

Refer to the “Real Time Malware Scan of File Attachments” topic for information about the setup involved to enable Advantage to interface with virus scan software.