Create a System-Generated Template

System-generated transaction upload templates provide a template for users to upload numerous transactions for a specified transaction code into Advantage. The sections and field names are derived directly from the UI of the specified Transaction Code.  

The Generate/Upload Template page allows you to create system generated transaction upload templates.  This page is accessed by selecting the Generate/Upload Template link on the Transaction Upload Template (DOCUPTEM) page. Authorized users can create a system-generated transaction upload template by entering the Transaction Code in the Code field and then by selecting the Generate Template action.  

Note: This generates all transaction templates without non-editable fields. If a user requires non-editable fields to be generated in the template, then the Include non-editable fields check box must be selected before selecting the Generate Template action. For example, the Disbursement Type field is a non-editable field in the General Accounting Expense (GAX) transaction. To generate the GAX transaction template with this non-editable field, the user needs to select the Include non-editable fields check box while generating the template in the Generate Template section on the Transaction Upload Template (DOCUPTEM) page.

The Generate Template check box must be selected under the Application Actions section on the Access Control (SCRACS) page in the Administration application for the user’s Security Role. The system-generated transaction upload template is added to the Transaction Upload Template (DOCUPTEM) page.

You can transition to the Transaction Upload Template page by selecting the Transaction Upload Template link. You can then enter search criteria to locate the template that was generated. At this point the system-generated template can be populated with transaction information and then uploaded to the Upload Transaction Spreadsheet (UPDOCS) page. Refer to the “Transaction Upload Spreadsheets” topic in the CGI Advantage Transactions User Guide for more information. You can also customize a system-generated template, validate and upload the template to the Transaction Upload Template page.  Refer to the “Customize a System-Generated Template” topic for more information.