Initialization File Settings for ECM
The following parameters on the ADV30Params.ini file are associated with ECM and should be setup accordingly.
UseECMSearch is a parameter in the ADV30Params.ini file. This parameter’s value determines whether the CGI Advantage attachments can be searched in an ECM system. If enabled (that is, UseECMSearch=true), then the Search link on attachments is enabled.
## This property will enable/disable the Search link.
## It can be used only when ECM is used for attachments ##########################################################################
UseECMDirectView is a parameter in the ADV30Params.ini file. This parameter’s value determines whether the attachment can be viewed directly in ECM system’s native viewer without using ABI in the backend. If enabled (that is, UseECMDirectView=true), then the Direct View link on attachments is enabled. Since this direct link relies on the ECM product’s security rather than Advantage’s security, display of the ECM Attachment URL is optional.
Documentum does not support this feature; therefore, this parameter should be disabled (that is, UseECMDirectView=false) for Documentum.
## This property indicates if Advantage can view attachments in ECM directly, without using ## ABI. If enabled, "Direct View" link will be enabled on attachments page. ##########################################################################
SeparateContentRecord is a parameter in the ADV30Params.ini file. When SeparateContentRecord=false, store content directly in metadata record and do not create a separate content record. When true, create a separate metadata record and content record. This property is only used when ECM is used to store attachments
ConvertMetadataToString is a parameter in the ADV30Params.ini file. When ConvertMetadataToString = true, add support for non-string ECM metadata attributes. This parameter is only used when Documentum ECM is used to store attachments.
The ECM Retrieve Parameters section provides the configuration needed by the CGI Advantage application to use ABI’s ECM Retrieve web service to retrieve existing attachments from ECM. Only the ABIECMRetrieveServiceURL parameter should be changed. It must provide the URL configured in ABI for this web service.
## ECM Retrieve Parameters
ABIECMRetrieveServiceURL=(provide URL of ABI’s ECM Retrieve web service)
The ECM Update Parameters section provides the configuration needed by the CGI Advantage application to use ABI’s ECM MetadataUpdate web service to update the metadata associated with existing attachments in the ECM. Only the ABIECMUpdateServiceURL parameter should be changed. It must provide the URL configured in ABI for this web service.
## ECM Update Parameters
ABIECMUpdateServiceURL=(provide URL of ABI’s ECM Metadata Update web service)
The ECM Search Parameters section provides the configuration needed by the CGI Advantage application to use ABI’s ECM Search web service to locate existing content in ECM. Only the ABIECMSearchServiceURL parameter should be changed. It must provide the URL configured in ABI for this web service.
## ECM Search Parameters
ABIECMSearchServiceURL=(provide URL of ABI’s ECM Search web service)