CGI Advantage has a standards-based open architecture, which employs Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (JEE) as its foundation. It has an n-tier architecture, which is flexible and scalable for various loads and needs.
There are many possible configurations of these logical tiers. These logical tiers do not necessarily imply separate physical servers. For example, it is technically possible to host the application server and database servers (and even the Web server) on the same physical server, although it may not be preferred in the production environment due to various operational, procedural, performance, and security reasons. The application is scalable vertically (more than one application server on the same physical server, to leverage the available CPU and memory) as well as horizontally (application servers spread across multiple physical servers), which provides tremendous flexibility in handling any load. Furthermore, for each tier, there are various deployment options in terms of hardware and Operating Systems platforms. The following topics describe some of these deployment options.