Security Setup (Mandatory)

Configurable Inquiries allow sites to setup security access for Non-Admin or business users for securing access to Business Views associated with a BI Model as well as applying Row-Level Security to filter the inquiry data.

Non-admin or business users accessing Create Configurable Inquiry (CREATCI) and My Configurable Inquiries (CIMYINQ) require access to the BI Model to create, edit, and view Configurable Inquiries associated with that BI Model.  

The BI Security Role enforces Row-Level Security (RLS) on CI data returned by Advantage Insight. The BI roles (for example, Department Security, Department Unit Security, No Security, and PB Security) are configured on the Advantage Insight data models and one of these Roles needs to be passed for data security. If the BI Security Role field is left blank, the No Security BI Role will be used for RLS on the CI data by default.

The security setup should be done by Admin users on the BI Model Role Setup (BIRSETUP) and the BI Security Role Mapping (BISECMAP) pages.   

  1. Mapping for three security roles are pre-delivered with BI Role as No Security.

  2. Sites that require model specific setup should delete Day 0 CGI pre-delivered setup listed in table.

  3. For sites with Performance Budgeting only implementation, the default security role should be changed to PB Security.  

If the system finds multiple records of Security Role mapped with a BI Model as well as record with BI Model mapped to Default BI Role, the system gives precedence to a Default BI Role record.

Security Role

BI Role


No Security


No Security


No Security