Signing PDF Forms/Files
This feature provides the capability to fill and sign pdf forms using tools such as DocuSign. The Sign Form action on a record will open up a pop-up window to allow users to fill and sign the pdf. The signed pdf files are stored in a table and can be accessed via the View Signed Form action. This action will open up a new page, View Signed Form, which contains all the signed pdf files for that record. This feature is added to pages on an as needed basis and will not be available on every grid/page. This feature can be enabled/disabled by the FORM_SIGNING_ENABLED parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page. The tool used for signing the pdf can be configured by the FORM_SIGNING_TOOL parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) page.
Note: To set up DocuSign refer to the “Set Up for DocuSign e-Signature” topic in the CGI Advantage Transactions User Guide.