Transaction Layout Generator Utility

Transaction Layout Generator Utility is used to generate and maintain layout and metadata for the CGI Advantage transactions in .json format files. The .json format file is used by the transaction renderer engine to render the transaction to a specified format.

An example of when these layout files are used is while signing the transactions. Transactions need to be exported to PDF format. These PDF files are then signed by the system on behalf of the system. The JSON layout generated using this utility is used to export such transactions to PDF format.

This utility is placed in the <AMSADV3_HOME>\Utils\DocumentLayoutGenerator folder.

The following steps should be used to execute this utility:

  1. Open AdvDocToPDFUtilParams.ini and update the following paths:

  • ADVANTAGE_REPOSITORY => Path to the repository xml

  • VLS_HOME = Versata_Home\VLS\bin


  • ADVANTAGE_REPOSITORY = C:\\AMSFIN310\\dev\\advantage\\Source\\advantage.xml

  • VLS_HOME = Versata_Home\VLS\bin

  1. Update the APP_TYPE property with the appropriate value.

  • 1 - Advantage Administration

  • 2 - Advantage Financial

  • 3 - Advantage HRM

  1. Update the TARGET_JSON_LAYOUT property with an appropriate value. Make sure the same location is specified in the Adv30Params.ini file for the property DocumentSignatureTemplateLocation.

  2. Specify the database connection properties for the schema.

  • DB_TYPE = ORA <Type of database>

  • JDBC_URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@ <JDBC connection URL>

  • USER = ADV_FIN310 <Database User>

  • PASSWORD = ADVANTAGE <Database User Password>

Note: JDBC_URL example for other supported databases like MS SQL is given in the AdvDocToPDFUtilParams.ini file.

  1. Open the _run_DocumentLayoutGenerator.bat file and update the relevant ADV_HOME and JAVA_HOME paths.

  2. Once all the properties are set, execute _run_DocumentLayoutGenerator.bat, it should create .json files in the specified output folder.

  3. The System Administrator should make sure whenever there is a change in any of the transaction layouts that this utility is executed.