Upload a Customized Template

Once a customized template has been validated successfully, authorized users can upload the template via the Generate/Upload section on the Generate/Upload Template page. The Generate/Upload Template page is accessed by selecting the Generate/Upload Template link on the Transaction Upload Template (DOCUPTEM) page.

To upload a customized template you must enter the Transaction Code in the Code field and you must select the customized template file by selecting the Browse button.  You can then optionally populate the Dept, Unit, and Template Description fields before selecting the Upload Template action.  (Note: The Upload Template check box must be selected under the Application Actions section on the Access Control (SCRACS) page in the Administration application for the user’s Security Role.)  If the upload is not successful, then the following message is displayed: “The template has errors and needs to be rectified”.  If the upload is successful, then a record is added to the Transaction Upload Template page and the following message is displayed: “Template uploaded successfully”.

Once the template has been uploaded to the DOCUPTEM page, authorized users can download the excel file, add transaction information, and then upload the excel file to the Upload Transaction Spreadsheet (UPDOCS) page. Refer to the “Transaction Upload Spreadsheets” topic in the CGI Advantage Transactions User Guide for more information.