System Processes

Certain CGI Advantage processes require exclusive access to identified application database tables while they are running. One or more of the table update actions (Insert, Update, Delete) may be protected for the identified table(s). At the same time one or more of the transaction actions (Create, Validate, Submit, Approve/Bypass Approval, Reject, Reject All) may be protected for identified transactions. The System Processes table allows you to configure a process to have exclusive access to one or more tables and transactions.

The System Processes table has three tabs in Edit or Create Mode:

System Processes

Reference Table Resources

Transaction Resources

Associating Batch Process with System Process

The System Process can be associated with a batch process using batch parameters. While scheduling a batch job, the batch administrator can define a batch parameter, SYSTEM_PROCESS_ID, with the value as the System Process Id. If the System Process needs to be associated with an entire chain job then the parameter should be defined in the chain job parameter list. Since the batch parameters are hierarchical, if the parameter is provided at both the chain and job step level then the job step level parameter will be used (chain job level parameter will be overridden). Only one System Process Id can be associated with a batch process.

Associating System Processes to Batch Processes using batch parameters and adding Transaction Type resources to the System Process is a feature flag driven feature. The onlineBatchProcesses feature flag  in the feature.conf file must be enabled to turn on this feature.