Application Parameters
Although officially listed as an Infrastructure table, the Application Parameter table is one that is part of general system configuration. Options on this table are set once and do not vary by year, fund, department, transaction, or other factors. The table is very generic in its design so that it can host many different types of options with the Parameter Name and Parameter Value fields. Of the controls on this table, those listed below directly relate to the Accounts Payable area.
Note: Any changes to records on this table should be followed by a bounce of all servers used for Advantage Financial.
Accounts Payable Controls
Parameter |
Description |
Accounts Payable Period Fiscal Year (ACCT_PAY_PD_FY) |
If a transaction code belonging to either the PR or ABS Transaction Type creates a liquidation posting line as part of an Accounting Line requesting payment where the Fiscal Year (FY) is greater than Budget Fiscal Year, then the FY on the liquidation posting line will be set to the year of this parameter. The parameter should be updated at the beginning of a new FY to equal that of the prior FY. This way, liquidations will post to the prior FY and the request for payment will book to the current FY. |
Allow Prenote/EFT on Vendor Address (ALW_EFT_ADDR) |
When set to true, this parameter allows EFT information to be populated at the address level of a Vendor/Customer Record. The default value for this parameter is True. |
Allow Negative PR in P-Card Process (ALW_NEG_PR_PCARD) |
This Parameter indicates whether a negative PR will be generated by the P Card process. If the parameter is set to Yes, the job will generate negative PR transactions. If the parameter is No, the job will not generate negative PR transactions. |
Allow Cleared Date Before Issue Date (ALW_CLR_BEF_ISS) |
When set to True, the Cleared Date can be prior to the Issue Date for all payment types. When set to False, the Cleared Date cannot be prior to the Issue Date for all payment types. If a check is processed by the Check Reconciliation process and the Cleared Date is prior to the Issue Date, then the check is logged as an exception. Also, manually updating the check’s Cleared Date to less than the Issue Date on the CHREC table results in Error A3479 being issued: “The Cleared Date cannot be less than the Issued Date.” The delivered value is False. |
Always use EFT Number as Identification Number on the ACH File (IDENTIFICATION_NO) |
Governs whether the Routing Number (if populated) on a vendor’s Prenote/EFT information is inferred for the Identification Number data element in Record Type 6. If this parameter is equal to True then the EFT number is populated all the time for the Identification Number in the payment and reversal files. If this parameter is equal to False then the Routing Number (if populated) is used. If it is not populated then the EFT number is used. |
Always Use Fund Bank Account Codes for Disbursements (ALWYS_USE_FUND_BANK_ACCT_CD_FOR_DISB) |
Valid values Yes or No. If Yes, an error is issued if the Bank Account Code on the MD transaction is not equal to the Bank Account of the Fund on the Accounting Line (AL). The AD transaction uses this parameter to infer the Bank Account of the Fund on the AL when the Disbursement Type is changed from EFT to Check. |
Assign Overflow Check Numbers For Preprinted Stock (ASSGN_OVERFLOW_CHK_NUMS_FOR_PRE_PRINTED_STK) |
Valid values are Yes or No. Field indicates whether overflow check stubs are printed. For preprinted check stock, if overflow checks are not printed, only one check number is assigned to the disbursement. |
Automated Payment Hold Option (AUTOMATED_PAYMENT_HOLD) |
This parameter is used by the Automated Payment Hold batch process. When set to True, the batch process edits will be used to request and release payment holds. When the value is False, the batch edits will be bypassed and the system payment hold rules will be enforced. |
Bank Code Inference (FUND_BANK_CD_INFERE) |
If this value is set to true, populate appropriate bank code from the Fund table (Bank Code vs. EFT Bank Code) to all Accounting Lines on a payment request based on the Disbursement Format entered on the VL. |
Check Assignment in AD Processing (BATCH_CHK_ASSIGN) |
When parameter value is False, the check numbers will be assigned when the AD transaction is processed to final. When set to True, Check numbers will be assigned through the batch job "Check Number Assignment" in the AD chain. |
Check Reconciliation Manual Update Tracking (CHK_RECON_MNL_UPD_TRKG) |
Valid values are Yes and No. If set to Yes, and the Check Reconciliation, Paid Checks, or Check Exception table records are updated manually, the Reason for Change field is required and an audit record is written to the Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking table. If set to No or left blank, then the Reason for Change field is not required and updates are not made on the Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking table. |
Concatenate Pay To Order Address (CONCAT_CHK_PRINT_ADDR) |
This Y (Yes) or N (No) parameter is used by Disbursement Printing to determine whether or not to concatenate the Pay to Order Address fields into a single line labeled: PAY TO ORDER. Each field in the concatenation is separated by a tilde (~) character. If left blank, the process assumes N. In the concatenated form, the address takes up less space than separate lines. This parameter is for Multi Process Disbursement and Disbursement Printing. Check Writer Check Printing does not use this parameter. |
Consolidate Check Stub at the Vendor Invoice Line Level (CONSOLIDATE_CHECK_STUB) |
This parameter determines whether the Check Stub information should be printed at the accounting line level of the disbursement transaction (False) or should it be consolidated at vendor invoice line level (True). The default for this parameter is False. |
Create DISRQ records from Disbursement Transactions (CREA_DISRQ_FRM_DISB_DOC) |
This parameter controls what disbursement options are loaded to the Disbursement Request page upon the cancellation of a disbursement transaction. If this parameter is set to False, the system will obtain transaction information from the last accepted version of the transaction requesting payment (PR and ABS transaction types). If this parameter is set to True, the system will load values from the disbursement transaction upon cancellation. The system will update Disbursement Request with accounting lines from the disbursement transaction, and a single entry will be made for each accounting line of a disbursement transaction. Commodity information will be obtained from the original Payment Request. |
Deposit Reconciliation Manual Update Tracking (DPS_RECON_MNL_UPD_TRKG) |
Valid values are Yes and No. If set to Yes, and the Deposit Reconciliation and Deposit Exception table records are updated manually, the Reason for Change field is required and an audit record is written to the Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking table. If set to No or left blank, then the Reason for Change field is not required and updates are not made on the Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking table. |
Disbursement Category Inference (DISB_CAT_INFERE) |
If this parameter is set to true, the Disbursement Category value entered on the vendor line of the PR will be pushed down to the Accounting Line (if populated on the VL) and will replace any value manually entered on the Accounting Line. If the Disbursement Category Inference parameter is false then the Disbursement Category value on the Vendor Line of the PR will only be pushed down to the Accounting Line if the field is blank on the Accounting Line. Additionally, the Disbursement Category Inference parameter impacts the inference of Disbursement Category from the DISCIV table. If the parameter is set to true on Application Parameters table, the Disbursement Category value on the Accounting Line will be inferred from the Vendor Line only and no inference will occur from the Disbursement Category Inference and Combination Validation table. If the Disbursement Category Inference parameter is false, the Disbursement Category will be inferred from the Disbursement Category Inference and Combination Validation table based on the inference rules set on the Disbursement Category Inference and Combination Validation table. |
EFT Number Use Date (EFT_NUM_USE_DATE) |
For EFT payments generated by the Automated Disbursement (AD) Chain, if the EFT_NUM_USE_DATE (EFT Number Use Date) parameter on the Application Parameter table is set to true (or if a value is not provided), then the Next Avail EFT No on the Bank table will use the first 8 digits for the current date and the remainder of the digits a sequence number for the EFT Number generated by the AD Chain. If the EFT_NUM_USE_DATE parameter is set to false, then the Next Avail EFT No on the Bank table will not include the date in the EFT Number generated by the AD Chain but will use all allowed digits for the sequence number. |
Matching Fiscal Year to the Budget Fiscal Year (MATCH_BFY_FY) |
When set to true, the system will default the Application Parameters ‘Fiscal Year to be used when Matching Fiscal Year to the Budget Fiscal Year is set to true and APD parameter values to the accounting lines of all Payment Request transaction codes created from copy forward or the Matching process when the Budget Fiscal Year of a referenced Purchase Order accounting line is the prior Budget Fiscal Year. That comparison uses the default Fiscal Year of the Application Date to determine prior or current year. On a Payment Request created by the copy forward action the inferred values can be manually overridden when desired. There will be no inference if this parameter is set to false. Also, if the parameter is set to true there will be no inference if:
Accounting Period used when the Matching Fiscal Year to the Budget Fiscal Year parameter on the Application Parameters table is set to true (MATCH_APD) |
The default Accounting Period to be used on the accounting line when the Application Parameter table parameter ’ Matching Fiscal Year to the Budget Fiscal Year’ is set to true. The parameter must be set when ‘Matching Fiscal Year to the Budget Fiscal Year’ is true. The value in this parameter will have to change if Purchase Orders are left open and not rolled and the original APD is closed (for example, 12 is closed so 13 has to be used). |
Fiscal Year used when MATCH_BFY_FY is set to true (MATCH_FY) |
The default Fiscal Year to be used on the accounting line when the parameter Matching Fiscal Year to the Budget Fiscal Year is set to true. The parameter must be set when Matching Fiscal Year to the Budget Fiscal Year is true. The value in this parameter has to be adjusted with each passing year just as a new Fiscal Year starts. To forget to do so will result in transactions failing with a closed Fiscal Year being used and the FY < BFY condition that is typically prevented with BFY Staging. |
Electronic Account Validation (Electronic_Account) |
If this parameter is set to True, then the value in the Electronic Account field on the Electronic Account Profile page must be valid on the Electronic Account and Address Information page, and upon save, the address information associated with the Electronic Account and Address Crosswalk record is inferred to the display only address fields in the Account Address Information tab on the Electronic Account Profile table. If this parameter is set to False, then the value in the Electronic Account field on the Electronic Account Profile record is not validated against Electronic Account and Address Crosswalk table and no address information is inferred. |
Method for Discount Calculation (INV_METH_DISC_CALC) |
This parameter controls how the system calculates the Scheduled Payment Date on PR and ABS transactions. It also determines which date is used in discount calculation during the Automated Disbursement chain. This parameter can have one of three options:
Note: Should the parameter be missing, blank or invalid, the system will calculate the Schedule Payment Date and Discount Logic as if it were set to option 3 (Latter of Service To and Invoice Date). |
Optional Sections in Disbursement Printing XML (OPTL_SECTS_IN_DISB_PRNT_XML) |
This parameter indicates whether the optional sections should be included in the data file produced by Disbursement Print Process.
This parameter is for Multi Process Disbursement and Disbursement Printing. Check Writer Check Printing does not use the parameter. |
Require Consistent TIN/TIN Type between HQ and Locations (REQ_CONSISTENT_TIN_TINTYP_ACCRS_HQ_ACCT) |
Valid values are True or False, and the default value is False. When set to True, the TIN/TIN Type combination on all Vendor/Customer Location records must be the same as the TIN/TIN Type on their respective Headquarters Accounts, if the Franchise Account flag is not selected. |
Require Unique TIN/TIN Type across HQ Accounts (REQ_UNQ_TIN_TINTYP_ACCRS_HQ_ACCT) |
Valid values are True or False, and the default value is False. When set to True, no two Headquarters records can have the same TIN/TIN Type combination. |
Retain Discount from Cancelled Disbursement (RET_DISC_FROM_CANCELLED_DISB) |
This parameter indicates Discount Terms on cancelled disbursement with Cancellation Type of Reschedule, Hold, or PR Cancellation will be retained for any re-issued disbursement. If True, the Discount Terms will be retained. If False, the Discount Terms will not be retained. |
Retainage Forfeiture Option (RET_FORF_OPT) |
This parameter provides the option to calculate the retainage forfeiture amount. Valid values are 1 or 2. A value of 1 indicates that FIFO (first in first out) will be used to determine how retainage will be forfeited. A value of 2 indicates that Payout Method on the Retainage Fund Control table will be used to determine how the retainage will be forfeited. |
Stub Line Adjustment Orientation (STUB_LN_ADJ_PRN_ORIENTATION) |
Indicates whether adjustments (discounts, withholding, contract withholding, retainage, and so forth) are to be inserted onto the Stub Detail (STUBDET) page on a separate stub line with the setting of V (vertical) or on the same stub line as the payment amount with the setting of H (horizontal). |
Tax information retention years (TAX_INFO_KEEP_YRS) |
This parameter indicates the number of years to keep tax reporting records. This parameter is used by the Vendor Customer Archiving process when evaluating whether any tax reporting information retention requirements will prevent a vendor/customer from being selected for archiving. |
Treasury Intercept Debt Entity System 1 (TRSRY_INTRCPT_DEBT_ENTY_SYS_1) |
The values are used by the Treasury Offset process. It is composed of four fields, separated by a comma: System Name 1 (required), Department (required), Unit (optional), and Intercept RA Format (ASMT - assessment based or CASE - case based). Example with Unit: S1,D1,U1,ASMT and without Unit: S1,D1, ,ASMT. |
Treasury Intercept Debt Entity System 2 |
(TRSRY_INTRCPT_DEBT_ENTY_SYS_2) The values are used by the Treasury Offset process. It is composed of four fields, separated by a comma: System Name 2 (required), Department (required), Unit (optional), and Intercept RA Format (ASMT - assessment based or CASE - case based). Example: S2,D2,U2,CASE |
Treasury Intercept Debt Entity System 3 |
(TRSRY_INTRCPT_DEBT_ENTY_SYS_3) The values are used by the Treasury Offset process. It is composed of four fields, separated by a comma: System Name 3 (required), Department (required), Unit (optional), and Intercept RA Format (ASMT - assessment based or CASE - case based). Example: S3,D1,U1,ASMT |
Treasury Intercept SOAP Header URL |
(TRSRY_INTRCPT_SOAP_HDR_URL) Treasury Offset process uses this URL while defining the SOAP Action Header URL section in the SOAP Request. Example: |
SOAP Envelope Name URL |
(TRSRY_INTRCPT_ENVLP_NMS_URL) Treasury Offset process uses this URL while defining the Envelope Name in SOAP Requests. |
SOAP Body Name URL |
(TRSRY_INTRCPT_BODY_NMS_URL) Treasury Offset process uses this URL while defining the Body Name in SOAP Requests. |
(TRSRY_INTRCPT_XSD_NMS_URL) Treasury Offset process uses this URL while defining the XSD name in SOAP Requests. |
SOAP Security URL |
(TRSRY_INTRCPT_SOAP_SECURITY_URL) Treasury Offset process uses this URL while defining the SOAP Security section in SOAP Requests. |
SOAP Username Token URL |
(TRSRY_INTRCPT_SOAP_USER_TOKEN_URL) Treasury Offset process uses this URL while defining the SOAP Username Token section in SOAP Requests. |
SOAP Password Text URL |
(TRSRY_INTRCPT_SOAP_PSWD_URL) Treasury Offset process uses this URL while defining the SOPA Password section in SOAP Requests. |
VTH Maximum Record Count (VTH_MAX_REC_COUNT) |
This value limits the number of records that can be returned during queries made on the Vendor Transaction History and Vendor Payment History pages. This value also limits the number of records downloaded to a csv file when the Export > Viewable Columns, Export All > Viewable Columns, Export > Available Columns, and Export All > Available Columns options are selected via the Grid Actions menu. The default value for this parameter is 2000. |
Object code for the RETIREE AED used during the IET Transaction XML Generation of the Retiree Billing process to create Internal Exchange Transactions (IET). |
Retiree Amortization Equalization Disbursement Amount (RETIRE_AED_PC) |
Entered as a percentage with three significant digits, a decimal point and two digits to the right, this field is used to calculate the Amortization Equal Disbursement percent for retiree billing. It can change on an annual basis. This is used by RETIRPAY to calculate the AED Amount. |
RETIREE Employer Contribution Object (RETIRE_ER_CONTR_OBJ_CD) |
Object code for the RETIREE ER Contribution used during the IET Transaction XML Generation of the Retiree Billing process to create Internal Exchange Transactions (IET). |
Retiree Employer Contribution Amount (RETIRE_ER_CONTR_PC) |
Entered as a percentage with three significant digits, a decimal point and two digits to the right, this field is used to calculate the employer's contribution for retiree billing. It can change on an annual basis. This is used by RETIRPAY to calculate the Employer Contribution Amount. |
RETIREE Balance Sheet Account (RETIRE_IET_BSA_CD) |
Balance sheet account code used in first party accounting line for the RETIREE IET transaction. This is used during the IET Transaction XML Generation of the Retiree Billing process to create Internal Exchange Transactions (IET). |
Department code used in first party accounting line for the RETIREE IET transaction. This is used during the IET Transaction XML Generation of the Retiree Billing process to create Internal Exchange Transactions (IET). |
Event type ID used in Event Type in the Exchange Details of the RETIREE IET transaction. This is used during the IET Transaction XML Generation of the Retiree Billing process to create Internal Exchange Transactions (IET). |
Fund code used in first party accounting line for the RETIREE IET transaction. This is used during the IET Transaction XML Generation of the Retiree Billing process to create Internal Exchange Transactions (IET). |
Unit code used in first party accounting line for the RETIREE IET transaction. This is used during the IET Transaction XML Generation of the Retiree Billing process to create Internal Exchange Transactions (IET). |
Object code for the RETIREE SAED used during the IET Transaction XML Generation of the Retiree Billing process to create Internal Exchange Transactions (IET). |
Retiree Supplemental Amortization Equalization Disbursement Amt (RETIRE_SAED_PC) |
Entered as a percentage with three significant digits, a decimal point and two digits to the right, this field is used to calculate the Supplemental Amortization Equal Disbursement percent for retiree billing. It can change on an annual basis. This is used by RETIRPAY to calculate the SAED Amount. |