Commodity Spend Analysis
This configurable inquiry exists to research spending on commodity codes. That spending can be viewed in many different ways including by vendor, by year, by month, and by the department and unit values used in the creation of Payment Request transactions. The inquiry looks into the commodity line data of the Payment Request transaction type for those transactions that have been submitted to final and have not been cancelled. Only the most current version of the payment request will be selected. The query is simplified with the assumption that each payment request will be or has been disbursed to the vendor for the total recorded on the Payment Request. Any disbursement adjustments for interest, discounts, or penalties will not be reflected in the results. The date of the 'spend' is the Record Date from the Payment Request, although the disbursement may have been in a subsequent date.
Refer to the "Created Inquiry" topic in the Page/Table User Guide for additional information on configurable inquiries.