DRM Transaction Type

Non commodity-based transactions are transactions that do not have a Commodity tab and therefore, cannot reference transactions with a Commodity line. Non commodity-based transactions are referred to as Accounting Based (ABS) transactions.  The Disbursement Request Modification allows you to request certain fields on the Disbursement Request table to be modified after the payment request has been submitted to final.  When the Disbursement Request transaction is submitted to final, the applicable fields on Disbursement Request will be updated. If allowed by Transaction Control (DCTRL) setting, the Disbursement Request transaction may be modified to make additional changes to Disbursement Request table records. Cancelling of the DRM transaction is disallowed because DRM cancellation does not update DISRQ records.

Important features of non-commodity-based transactions

Important features of DRM

The DRM has two tabs:

DRM Delivered Transaction Codes
