PRCUU – Accounting Lines
The Unprocessed Procurement Card Activity – Accounting Lines page captures Accounting Line information for the Commodity line selected on the PRCUU – Commodity page. This page captures fund accounting and detailed accounting information. Authorized users can also create multiple accounting lines for a given Commodity Line. The Accounting Lines on the PRCUU – Accounting Lines page can be automatically generated via PCard Chain job (assuming the Load Accounting Lines to PRCUU flag is checked on the PCNFG table) based on the Accounting Template or Accounting Profile designated on the Procurement Card Administration (PRCUA) table. When the Pay flag is checked on the Unprocessed Procurement Card Activity record and the PCard Chain job is run, the system will use the information contained on the PRCUU – Accounting Lines page to generate the Accounting Lines on the resulting PRCC transaction.
If an order is referenced in the Order Transaction Code, Order Transaction Dept, and Order Transaction ID fields on the PRCUU – Commodity Lines page, then accounting line information is blanked out on the PRCUU - Accounting Lines page. Also, accounting lines cannot be added for the commodity line. This ensures that upon creation of the PRCC transaction, the system will use the referenced Accounting Lines on the PO transaction.