Accounting Distribution
The Accounting Distribution tab lists the funding distribution across multiple commodities. If you have multiple Commodity Lines that use the same funding distribution, you can enter the unique funding distribution once in this tab, associating each of them with a percentage. Once you have entered the initial set of accounting lines, the system automatically replicates these accounting lines for each of the commodities. Based on the percentages associated with each of the accounting lines, the system also automatically calculates the correct funding. This reduces data entry.
Refer to the "Accounting Distribution" topic in the CGI Advantage - Transactions User Guide for common information on the Accounting Distribution tab.
Field InformationField Information
Debt ID - A Payment Request can indicate the Bond or Loan proceeds used for a payment. A Debt ID can also be entered for a manual payment of a Bond, Loan, or Lease cost. Only a Lease can generate Payment Request to make automatic payments. For a manual or automatic payment, Schedule Number and Schedule Line also have to be entered to ensure the Payment Request updates the Transaction 1 field on the Schedule Detail record being paid. Please enter these values at the Accounting Line level. Please see the Debt Management User Guide for more information on the rules for Debt ID usage and requirements.
Accounting Reference 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 - optional fields to capture external data for tracking and reporting purposes. Can be made visible via Configure Page (DESIGNER).
The Accounting Distribution tab contains the following actions/links:
Page-Level ActionsPage-Level Actions
Refer to the "Transaction Level Actions" topic in the CGI Advantage - Transactions User Guide for information on actions that apply to the entire transaction.
Tab-Level actions/linksTab-Level actions/links
Distribute Accounting Lines - When selected, one Accounting line will be inserted for each Commodity Line for the corresponding Accounting Distribution Line. The distribution percentages are applied to the Item Amount to arrive at the Accounting Line amount. The COA elements on the Accounting Distribution are passed on to the Accounting Line.