
The Commodity tab contains commodity information such as the Quantity, Unit Price, Commodity Code, and Description. Codes entered must be valid on the Commodity Code table. Commodity information can be inferred from the referenced transaction or directly entered on the Payment Request to record a purchase of goods or services. Most commodity information required is driven by the Line Type choices of Item, Service, and Discount.  You cannot have a reference to a commodity line that has the Inactive Line flag selected.

Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields

The following fields are required, and if left blank are automatically populated by Advantage:

  • Commodity

  • Line Type

 The following fields are conditionally required based on site specific setup on the Transaction Control table:

  • Commodity Line Description

  • Quantity

  • Unit of Measure

  • Unit Price

  • Contract Amount

  • PCard ID

  • Referenced Transaction Code

  • Referenced Transaction Department

  • Referenced Transaction ID

  • Referenced Vendor Line

  • Referenced Commodity Line

  • Invoice Code

  • Invoice Department

  • Invoice ID

  • Invoice Vendor Line

  • Invoice Commodity Line

  • Vendor Invoice Number

  • Vendor Invoice Line

  • Vendor Invoice Date

  • Tracking Date

On transactions that belong to the PR Transaction Type, if the Line Type is Service, then the Quantity, Unit of Measure and Unit Price can optionally be populated; however, the Contract Amount is a required field and is not calculated from Quantity and Unit Price.

If Maximo is integrated with Advantage and the Line Type is Item, then the External Item ID field is required. If the commodity line references a Maximo-generated purchase order, then the External Item ID field on the PRC must match the External Item ID on the referenced PO commodity line.

Additionally, on the Payment Request Transaction Type transactions (PRC, PRCI, and CEC) the Commodity Code pick field that contains the Commodity Code information also includes the Extended Description field on the grid section, which displays a maximum of the first 255 characters of the Extended Description for the Commodity.

Additional Information on the “Price” fields:  

  • When the Lock List Price is set to True on the referenced MA, you cannot change the List Price inferred from the catalog onto the Payment Request for line items associated with a Catalog Line Type.  However, if the Allow Promotional Pricing flag is also selected on the Master Agreement, then the user can specify a lower price in the List Price field on the Payment Request than what is indicated in the Catalog List Price field on the MA.

  • If the Line Type is Item, the Unit Price field can be changed from the referenced order.  In this case, a warning message will be issued to inform you that the Unit Prices are different.  If the referenced order is an MA and if tolerances have been established for the MA line then the Unit Price will not be re-inferred from the MA on Validate unless the Unit Price has been blanked out entirely.  In which case, the original Unit Price is re-inferred.

  • On Validate/Submit the Payment Request transaction verifies that the Unit Cost tolerances established on the referenced Master Agreement have not been exceeded.  If the unit cost for item lines that reference a Master Agreement is either under or over the tolerance amounts an error message is generated.

Tax AdjustmentsTax Adjustments

When sales or use tax is recorded for a purchase, the amount calculated by the vendor may be a couple of cents different from what is calculated in Advantage. An optional Tax Adjustment feature exists to ensure that the vendor is paid the amount of tax expected. The following commodity fields exist for this feature:

  • Tax Adjustment is an indication of the commodity line that received the tax difference value when the Calculated Tax Before Adjustment and Total Vendor Invoice Tax Amount on the header did not equal. By default, the Tax Adjustment was made to the first commodity line with tax. If desired, that indication can be manually transferred to another commodity line, but can only be selected on one commodity line.

If the Payment Request references an invoice, the Tax Adjustment indication will be inferred from the invoice.

  • Tax Adjusted Amount is the amount of tax difference between the user entered Total Vendor Invoice Tax Amount and the Calculated Tax Before Adjustment amount. The adjustment amount is combined with the previously calculated tax amount to become the final Tax Amount, unless the Adjust Use Tax Amount indication is true. In this case, the Use Tax Amount is adjusted instead.

  • Adjust Use Tax Amount is an indication to apply the tax different to use tax only when the Tax Profile includes Use Tax.

  • Tax Adjusted Amount is the difference between the Total Vendor Invoice Tax Amount and the Calculated Tax Before Adjustment amount.

If the payment request references an invoice, this amount will be inferred from the invoice.

Discount TermsDiscount Terms

Discounts are defined by establishing a discount schedule, which consists of a Number of Days and a corresponding Discount Percentage. The Number of Days indicates the amount of days that can elapse between the Invoice Date and the disbursement date in order for the corresponding Discount Percentage to be applied to the payment. Because discounts can be entered on a schedule, multiple discount percentages can be defined based on different Numbers of Days.

When Disbursements processes a payment, the discount schedule is applied.  If the payment day falls within one of the specified discounted number of days, then the corresponding Discount Percentage is taken. For example, the following discount schedule is entered on the Business Line for an ABS transaction code:

Number of Days






If a disbursement is made for the request from 6 to 15 days from the Vendor Invoice Date, then a 2% discount would be deducted from the payment.  If paid on the same day or by 5 days from the Vendor Invoice Date, then a 3% discount would be deducted.  If paid after 15 days, then there is no discount. Note: If a Vendor Invoice Date is not entered on the accounting line of the ABS transaction, the Record Date will be used to calculate the discount days.

When entering discount terms, skipping a row is not allowed.  For example, terms cannot be entered for Days 1 and Days 3 without entering any for Days 2.

Procurement Folder Management LogicProcurement Folder Management Logic

If a PR Transaction Type transaction references another transaction that already contains a Procurement Folder, then on validate when transaction is in Draft phase, the system will infer a display only value from the same referenced transaction fields to the Procurement Folder and Procurement Type fields at the Commodity Line Level of the Payment Request transactions.   

  • If a user creates a Delivery Order (DO) from the Shopper page, the referenced Master Agreement (MA) Transaction and Procurement Type ID/Procurement Type values is inferred to the same fields on DO Header and on validate of DO the system assigns a new unique Procurement Folder ID to the DO.  If user then creates a Payment Request by using the copy forward feature from the DO, the system infers the Procurement Folder information (Procurement Folder; Procurement Type ID; and Procurement Type) from referenced DO to the same fields at the Commodity Line level of the Payment Request.  This connects the Payment Request to the Delivery Order Folder not the MA Folder.

  • If a user creates a Payment Request from the Shopper page, the referenced Master Agreement (MA) Transaction information is inferred to the same fields on Payment Request Commodity Line Level; however, the system does not assign a unique Procurement Folder ID nor will the Procurement Type ID or Procurement Type values be inferred from the referenced MA.  The Payment Request is not connected to a Procurement Folder in this example.

Refer to the Shopper (SHOP) topic in the CGI Advantage - Procurement User Guide for more details on this page.

Once the Procurement Folder and Procurement Type fields are populated with the inferred values and the link to the referenced Procurement Folder has been established, the system will also update the Post-Award State view of the linked Procurement Folder with transaction information related to the Payment Request.

If one or more commodity lines of a Payment Request are linked to a Procurement Folder, that transaction will be listed in the Post-Award State view of the linked Procurement Folder.  Since each Commodity Line on a Payment Request transaction is capable of referencing a transaction in a different Procurement Folder, there is the possibility that a single payment request transaction could be linked to more than one folder.  If through transaction referencing an Accounts Payable transaction is linked to more than one Procurement Folder, then that transaction will appear in the Post-Award State View of each Procurement Folder it is linked to.  If user should modify the commodity line to $0.00 for the selected folder, the Payment Request appears as a modification in the Transaction tab of the Procurement Management page and will remain linked to the folder.  


To enter or override retainage terms, refer to the "Entering or Overriding Retainage Terms on a Payment Request" topic.

The Commodity tab contains the following actions/links:

Page-Level ActionsPage-Level Actions

Refer to the "Transaction Level Actions" topic in the CGI Advantage - Transactions User Guide for information on actions that apply to the entire transaction.

Tab-Level actions/linksTab-Level actions/links

Grid-Level actions/linksGrid-Level actions/links

Actions (such as Insert New Line) specific to this Transaction Type may be controlled by the Component Line Limiting feature of the application.  To see information about transaction actions of this Transaction Type that may be controlled and recourses to take if a limit error is issued, refer to the "Line Number Limitations" topic in the CGI Advantage - Transactions User Guide.