Paid Procurement Card Transaction
The Paid Procurement Card Transaction (PRCUT) page stores all payment request transactions for purchases made with a Procurement Card. This page stores payment information by Administrator ID. Because this table is updated from the payment request transaction, nearly all fields on this table are protected with the exception of the Reconciliation Status field, Dispute Tracking fields, and the Comments field. The Reconciliation Status field indicates whether the transaction on the Payment Request commodity line has been reconciled with a receipt by the administrator. Any time this status is changed, the Last Action Date field will be updated automatically by the system.
If a Payment Request transaction is canceled, then the corresponding record on the Paid Procurement Card Transaction table is automatically deleted.
If a Travel Transaction Type transaction references the PCard transaction on PRCUT or a Payment Request transaction referencing a Travel Transaction Type transaction is submitted to Final, the Ref transaction fields are updated with the Travel Transaction Type transaction information. If a Purchase Order Transaction Type transaction is referenced on the Unprocessed Procurement Card Activity – Commodity Lines (PRCUUCL), when the PCard transaction is paid and the record is inserted on PRCUT, the Ref transaction fields are updated with the Purchase Order Transaction Type transaction information.
The PRCUT page contains an Attachments link. The Attachments link transitions you to the Reference Table Attachments page, which allows you to upload, search, download and delete attachments. If Attachments were initially added to the Unprocessed Procurement Card Activity record or to the Accounting Line of the PRCC transaction, these attachments will flow forward to the Paid Procurement Card Transaction page.