Pay for Commodities Using the Matching Process

Payment Request transactions can be created by the Matching Manager chain job. The Matching Manager process initiates payments to Vendors when orders meet certain Matching criteria per commodity line item. This chain process generates and submits a Matching Payment Request (PRM), or Matching PR - Negative (PRN with an Inverse Reference Type), and/or Internal Matching Payment Request (PRMI).  

Each transaction code is created under a different situation:

The following steps detail the way Payments can be generated for Purchase Orders that have Match Indicator of "Order-Invoice-Receipt" or "Order-Receipt" or "Order-Invoice".

  1. Create a Purchase Order.

  2. Create an Invoice Transaction.  

  3. Create a Receipt Transaction.

  4. The Purchase Order, Invoice and Receipt update the Matching Status Award Tables - Match Status Award Line Table, Match Status Invoice Table and Match Status Invoice Header Table.

  5. Run the Matching Transaction job.

  6. If errors exist on the generated transactions, fix the errors and repeat Step 5 to run the Matching Transaction chain job.

  7. Often times, the errors cannot be fixed on the generated Payment Request. You may need to fix the errors caused by the originating transactions (Purchase Order, Invoice, or Receiver).

  8. With proper security, Disbursement Options of a Matching Payment Request can be changed on the Disbursement Request table after the transaction has been submitted.