Payment Requests "During" the Accounts Payable Period Accounting Fiscal Year when BFY does not equal 9999

The Accounts Payable Period field on the BFY Stage Definition, with a value of ‘During’ determines how a non-capital fund (BFY not equal to 9999) payment request should have the liquidation posting lines AFY and APD set, while keeping the Accounting Fiscal Year defined/defaulted on the Accounting line for the non liquidation posting lines.  This allows the liquidation lines to use a prior fiscal year and prior accounting period and the non-liquidation lines to use a current fiscal year and accounting period. The During value also sets the BFY on the non-liquidation posting line as a current BFY.

You are able to process a non-capital fund payment request during the Accounts Payable Period in the same manner you do a current year payment request.  The system recognizes that an entry is during the accounting payable period if the BFY Stage the transaction’s record date falls in has the Accounts Payable Period field set to During.

The During APP transactions will liquidate the encumbrance in the prior accounting and budget fiscal year and post the entire expense to the current accounting and current budget fiscal year. Any modifications to a transaction that was created during the APP and is within the same Accounts Payable Period will post in the same manner.