Procurement Transaction Control

The Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table is used to set options and establish required fields for the Procurement Transaction Codes.  However, the Payment Request transaction can also be added to this table so that Payment Request transactions can directly reference a Master Agreement transaction.  The following fields should be set up for the Payment Request transactions:

  • Payment Master Agreement Reference - This field determines if a specific Payment Request Transaction Code may reference a Master Agreement.  The field has the following values:  Optional, Prohibited, and Required.

  • If the Optional value has been selected the specified Payment Request Transaction will allow a Master Agreement reference to be entered.

  • If the Prohibited option is selected, when the specified Payment Request Transaction is validated, the system will issue an error for each record in the vendor tab of the Payment Requests in which a Master Agreement reference has been entered.

  • If the Required option has been selected, when the specified Payment Request transaction is validated, Advantage will issue an error for each record in the Vendor tab of the Payment Request that does not accurately reference a Master Agreement.

  • A value of Optional or Required is not allowed in this field unless the transaction Sub-Type for the selected record is PRC.

  • Generate PR Commodity Lines By - This field determines the order in which the commodity lines are generated on the Payment Request when it is created from either the Master Agreement Commodity Search - Line Selection or the Master Agreement Line Section pages.  Valid options for this field are: MA Commodity Line, Commodity Code, or Commodity Description.