Retainage Detail
This page provides a detailed view of the amount of retainage withheld for each Payment Request commodity line. Each time a Payment Request is processed that references an Award with retainage terms, the Payment Request number is updated to the Retainage Detail page, with the corresponding commodity line, accounting line, and Pending Retainage amount. When an Automated Disbursement (AD) transaction is processed, the retainage amount that is actually withheld from the payment is updated to the Retainage Withheld field. Finally, when retainage is paid out, the amount paid for each accounting line is recorded. All fields on this table are protected and cannot be manually updated, except the Hold Retainage field.
The Hold Retainage field indicates whether the selected record has been kept on hold on the RTGDET page. By default, this field is not selected.
If this flag is selected, the respective RTGDET table record is not selected by the Retainage Payout process while releasing or forfeiting the retainage. This flag must be manually cleared, if and when the payment accounting line should be selected by the Retainage Payout process in subsequent executions. If this flag is selected and the Retainage Outstanding amount is not greater than $0.00, then an error is issued. This flag can only be selected manually.
Calculated field:
Retainage Outstanding = Retainage Withheld – Retainage Released – Retainage Forfeited
The Retainage Detail (RTGDET) page is the secondary input to the Retainage Payout process. The Retainage Payout process uses the Payment Request detail data on this page to obtain the retainage information to create 'payout' transactions.
Please refer to the "Retainage" topic in this guide for more information on the complete retainage process.
Note: Historical records (Historical Procurement Folder field is set to Yes) are hidden, by default, when opening this page. Historical records are only displayed, if the Historical Procurement Folder field on the search window has been set to blank or Yes. If the Historical Procurement Folder search field is set to No, then all historical records are hidden. Records are set to historical as a result of running the Procurement Folder Historical Update process.
The Retainage Released/Forfeited link allows you to transition to the page and query on desired records.
The Retainage Summary by Commodity Line link allows you to transition to the page filtered by the selected award transaction and commodity line.
The Procurement Management link allows you to transition to the Procurement Management (PRCUID) page in the All States view filtered by the selected Procurement.