Retainage Summary by Commodity Line

This page displays the Award information and retainage terms at the Commodity Line level. It is also used to establish the payout of retainage, and to track the amount of retainage withheld against each commodity on the Award transaction that is subject to retainage. The Retainage Summary page is first updated when an Award transaction with Retainage Terms is submitted. During the Retainage Payout process, the payment transactions (PR/GAX) and disbursement transactions (AD/EFT/MD) further update the Retainage Summary page. In addition, the Retainage Summary by Commodity Line page includes:

The Retainage Summary page is the primary input for the Retainage Payout process. Information on this page determines which records are selected during the payout process. In order to payout retainage on an Award, a Schedule Payment Date, Payout Amount, and Payout Method must be entered on the Retainage Summary By Commodity Line page.  If any of these fields are not completed, the Retainage Payout process will be unable to process the record.

Please refer to the "Retainage" topic in this guide for more information on the complete retainage process.