Transaction Control

The Transaction Control (DCTRL) table is a powerful means of establishing a variety of budget, accounting, and general transaction control options. (For more information on the transaction control table, see System Overview).  The following Transaction Control fields are critical to A/P processing:

  • Journal Posting Control - Indicates how the journals should be posted on the specified transaction.

  • Synchronous setting for a transaction code means that when an individual transaction for this transaction code reaches final status, its posting lines will be marked 'ready to post'.  If real time journal posting is turned on, the transaction will post to all necessary journals upon being submitted to final status.  If journal posting is not real time, which means it is scheduled to occur at regularly scheduled intervals, then the posting lines for that transaction code will be posted to journals next time the journal posting engine runs.  

  • The Asynchronous setting for a transaction code means that when an individual transaction for this transaction code reaches final status, its posting lines will be marked as 'not ready to post'.  Posting lines for such a transaction code will never be posted to journals no matter how journal posting is run until a separate job is run to change those posting lines to 'ready to post.'  (See Journal Posting Initiator for more information).

  • Service Date Severity - Service dates (From Service Date, To Service Date) are used on the payment and disbursement transactions to identify when goods or services were received from the vendor.  When set to No Error, service dates are inferred to the current date for the buyer if not manually entered.  When set to Error, a user must manually enter service dates on the specified transaction.

  • TIN Number & Type for Miscellaneous Vendor - This field controls the need for a taxpayer identification number (TIN) on a transaction when a miscellaneous vendor is used. Valid values are Not Required, Overrideable, Required, Required for Reportable Funding Only, and Overrideable for Reportable Funding Only.  

  • If the Required for Reportable Funding Only option is selected on the Transaction Control table for the ABS transaction, PR transaction or MD transaction, then entering the TIN number and TIN Type for a miscellaneous vendor will be required, if at least one element on the accounting line is 1099 reportable (Object, Sub Object, Balance Sheet Account or Sub Balance Sheet Account).  

  • If the Overrideable for Reportable Funding Only option is selected for the ABS transaction, PR transaction or MD transaction and the TIN number is not populated, then an overrideable error is issued.

  • Vendor Invoice Required - If this field is selected, then a Vendor Invoice is required for the transaction code.  Two transaction types edit against this flag, the PR - Payment Request and ABS - Accounting Based Spending.

  • Vendor Invoice Line No Default - The Vendor Invoice Line No Default flag controls whether the Vendor Invoice Line Number should automatically default when a Vendor Invoice Number is entered on transactions of the PR, ABS, or MD transaction type.  Valid options for this field are: Yes (selected) or No (not selected).  The default value for this field is No (not selected).

  • Vendor Invoice Date Required - The Vendor Invoice Date Required field controls whether the Vendor Invoice Date is required when a Vendor Invoice Number is entered on transactions of the PR, ABS, or MD transaction type.  Valid options for this field are: Yes, No, or Default.  If Default is set, the system will default the current Application Date to the Vendor Invoice Date field of the transaction if the Vendor Invoice Number is entered and the Vendor Invoice Date has not been entered (it is blank). The default value for this field is No.

  • Include in VSS Financial Transactions - This flag determines if financial transactions with the selected Transaction Code are displayed to vendors in the Financial Transactions tab of VSS. The types of transactions that are displayed in VSS include agreements, scheduled payments, disbursements, and invoices. Vendors can inquire, view, download, print and create invoices via the VSS application.

  • Allow PDF Print in VSS - This flag determines if a vendor can access a PDF file in VSS for transactions with the selected Transaction Code. This flag is only applicable for agreement and invoice transaction codes.

  • Restrict VSS Access - Selection of the Restrict VSS Access flag prevents Vendor/Customer records from being displayed in the Vendor Self Service (VSS) application.  The value in this field is inferred on the Vendor Customer Creation (VCC) and Vendor Customer Modification (VCM) transaction types, if the Restrict VSS Access field on the transaction is blank.