Vendor Payment History

The Vendor Payment History (VPAY) page allows you to search for specific information related to vendor payment transactions. If you accessed the Vendor Payment History from Page Search, then you must enter search criteria to view returned records.  By entering specific search criteria in the Query tab and selecting the Apply action, results of your query are then displayed in the Results tab of the page. The number of records that will be returned is limited by the VTH Maximum Record Count parameter on the Application Parameters table. If the number of records in your results set exceeds this parameter, an error will be issued and you will be asked to refine your search criteria.

The Vendor Payment History page provides few features to assist you in your research or analysis:

  • Search for payment details, status, and history (AD, MD, DC, CR, RE, IET, and ITA)

  • Navigate to different pages within the application with the transaction filtered upon transition

  • Navigate to different transactions from Vendor Payment History

  • Calculate Amount totals based on search criteria

  • Export search results to a spreadsheet

Note that the Vendor Payment History page only displays finalized transactions and does not display transactions in draft phase and transactions pending approval. The only exceptions are Cancellation versions of IET and ITA transactions, since a cancellation of these transactions represents a cancellation of an internal transfer rather than a transaction cancellation.

Initially records are sorted by Record Date. You can sort by other columns, by clicking on the column names that are underlined. Column sorts are allowed on the following fields:

  • Record Date (default)

  • Transaction Number

  • Referenced Transaction Number

  • Vendor Invoice Number

  • Check Number

  • Check Status

Certain transactions will not contain all data in the results section of the page. If the transaction does not contain the data, the fields will remain blank. For example, Purchase Order transactions will not have Check Number or Bank Account Code.

Displayed Fields – additional information:

  • Transaction – This column includes the Transaction Code, Transaction Department, and Transaction ID. All transactions and referenced transactions contain a link to open the latest version of the transaction and view the transaction details. When you close the transaction, you are taken back to where you were when you left the VPAY page. For example, if you were on the second page of the results when the transaction link was selected, you will be taken back to the second page of the results when you close out of the transaction. If you click on a transaction link for a transaction that has been archived, an error message is received, indicating that the transaction cannot be opened.

  • Phase – The Transaction Phase for the selected transaction (AD, MD, DC, RE, CR, IET, or ITA). The result is displayed as F for Final and C for Cancelled. Transactions in Draft or Pending Phase are not displayed. Only the latest final version of a transaction is displayed. For example, if there are three previous versions of the same transaction, only the last submitted version of the transaction is displayed. If the last transaction is a Cancellation version, no version of that transaction is displayed. The only exception to this rule is for Transaction Type AD and MD. For these two Transaction Types, it represents a check cancellation, not a transaction cancellation.

Special Actions

The Calculate Amount Total action and Total AL Amount field are located between the Query fields and the Results grid on VPAY.  When the Calculate Amount Total action has been selected, the Line Amount of all of the result records are summed and displayed in the Total AL Amount field.  In the case of Disbursement Transactions (AD and MD), transactions with a Phase of Cancelled are not included in the calculation.

Please note that if Row Level Security is turned on, then the number of rows returned will be filtered by the search criteria AND security role, but the total amount displayed will include the rows that are not displayed because of the Row Level Security restrictions; therefore, the manually calculated amount from records displayed may not match the Calculated Amount.

Finally, there is one more limit on the number of lines being summarized. The number of records totaled cannot exceed the limit specified for the Record Limit for Calculated Amount Total Action parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) table. If the limit is exceeded, an error is issued stating the user should revise the search criteria and click the Calculate Amount Total link again.

Please be aware that there are other places in the application that provide totals such as budget inquiry pages, ledger pages, and balance sheet balance tables. The Calculate Amount Totals feature has been supplied to get quick on-line totals of a limited number of records and that a report is often the best means to get totals without impacting the online application.

The VPAY page allows the results from a query to be downloaded to a csv file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel. To download the queried results, refer to the "Export Grid Results" topic in the CGI Advantage Page/Table User Guide