Billing Profile
Billing Profile (BPRO) establishes the information necessary for billing and collections into what can be seen as types of customers. Information such as billing types, billing instructions, collection parameters, and account receivable options and special accounts options is entered on this page.
Billing Profile contains the primary information used during the billing cycle. A billing profile can apply to a customer group or to a single customer. Setup includes information such as the remittance address, the billing frequency, central statement capability, and an option that defines whether the customer should receive an invoice, a statement, both, or none. A statement billing profile can also be set up to serve as a Central Statement Billing Profile that defines statement and past due statement billing properties that can apply to multiple customer accounts under a customer. Payment Plan options can also be set up. The Central Remit flag can be selected on a Billing Profile record to print a Coupon ID when Invoices, Statements, Payment Plans Notices, and so forth, are generated for transactions from external systems that are part of a lockbox process. The Central Statement flag can be checked to indicate that the billing profile record can be used for central statements.
The Central Statement flag indicates that the billing profile record can be used for central statements. When this flag is selected, these billing profiles can be used to specify Statement billing options used to generate a consolidated statement or past due statement when there are transaction activities from multiple customer accounts for a customer.
Financial Charges (interest and late fees) are applicable on receivables as soon as the due date has passed; beginning on the day after the Receivable is due. The highest level of finance charge fee application is done at the System Options table on the Revenue section. If the Override flag is selected there, then the Billing Profile table is the next source for a fee based on the AR Dept, AR Unit, and Billing Profile on the Vendor Line of the Receivable.
To defer the calculation of financial charges on late receivables, a Grace Period can be applied. The Grace Period is the number of days by which the application of interest and fees on the receivables can be postponed. During this period, no late fees are charged.
Grace Period Days allows to control the number of grace period days at the Billing Profile level when Allow Override of Grace Period Days is selected on System Options.
The same four fields (Enable Electronic Billing, Enable Electronic Past Due Billing, Enable Electronic Collection Letters, and Enable Payment) that are defined on the Revenue section of System Options, exist on Billing Profile to allow these features as individual profile settings when choosing to send one or more emails, if system-wide is not desired. This is the second of three locations where this feature is enabled. When set to True, that enables setting the same indication on Customer Account.
Furthermore, optional fields for a Senders Email and Email Subject can be used to convey information to customers with each email. Available subjects are defined on the Billing Instructions page. If left blank, there are input parameters in each job that must be completed to supply this information.
The CSS Billing Profile Name, CSS Enabled, CSS Contact User ID, and CSS Contact Email fields are associated with Customer Self Service. Refer to the “Customer Self Service” topic for more information on these fields.
Overpayment Type: When recording an overpayment line, reserved or unreserved, this setting controls what chart of accounts are placed on that accounting line.
Copy Last Accounting Line – Use this option when there is often no issue with the fund and any sub fund used on the last accounting line for recording the overpayment liability. One can always adjust the chart of accounts after the line is generated.
No Chart of Accounts – Use this option when you want the creator of the cash receipt to enter chart of accounts on the overpayment line. Please be aware this option will not work with interfaced receipts.
Use Overpayment Fund – Use this option when there is an over payment made. The overpayment accounting line is inserted, and this option will look for the values on Overpayment Fund and Overpayment Sub on Billing Profile and Special Accounts.
Overpayment Fund and Overpayment Sub Fund allows for the flexibility of having one common overpayment Fund that could be used across. This is optional field and can be left blank.