CGI Advantage Financial Reports

The Accounts Receivable area includes reports that are listed alphabetically in the below table. For detailed information on the reports, refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage - Accounts Receivable Run Sheets Guide.

Report Name


Batch Catalog Section

Aging of Overdue Receivables

This report lists overdue receivables by past due period.

Accounts Receivable

Aging of Overdue Receivables by Customer Account

This report summarizes overdue receivables by past due period and customer account (AR Department, AR Unit, Vendor Customer, and Billing Profile).

Accounts Receivable

Aging of Overdue Receivables by Department

This report summarizes overdue receivables by department.

Accounts Receivable

Collection Notice Register

This report lists the collection notices generated as a part of the past-due collection process.

Accounts Receivable

Collection Referral Selection Exception Report

This report summarizes overdue receivables by past due period and department.

Accounts Receivable

CR Generation Detail Report

This report lists the generated CR transactions by department, billing profile, and external cash receipt.

Accounts Receivable

CR Generation Summary Report

This report summarizes the generated CR transactions information by department, billing profile, and external cash receipt.

Accounts Receivable

Deposit Exception Report

This report lists the records in the bank file that have no matching bank account number or do not match the amount on the Deposit Reconciliation table.

Accounts Receivable

Detail Transaction Listing Report

This report includes a detailed listing of specified transactions as they appear in the Journals.

Accounts Receivable

Due RE Detail Report

This report lists past due receivables by customer.

Accounts Receivable

Dunning Notice Register

This report lists the dunning notices generated as a part of the past-due collection process.

Accounts Receivable

External Debt Failed Report

This report lists external debt that failed to be uploaded to the system.

Accounts Receivable

External Debt Report

This report lists external debt to be uploaded to the system.

Accounts Receivable

Finance Charge Exception Report

This report lists all receivables for which finance charges could not be calculated and the exception reason.

Accounts Receivable

Finance Charge Report

This report lists all the finance charges generated by the Finance Charge process on a given date.

Accounts Receivable

Invoice Register

This report lists the invoices generated as a part of the regular billing process.

Accounts Receivable

Notice of Collection (Invoice Collection Process)

This report shows the invoice details for past-due invoices, the amount due, and the collection message.

Accounts Receivable

Notice of Collection (Statement Collection Process)

This report shows the statement details for past-due statements, the amount due, and the collection message.

Accounts Receivable

Notice of Intent Print Exception Report

This report lists the notices that could not be generated due to missing Notice of Intent Text.

Accounts Receivable

Revenue Source Summary Report

This report tracks all accounts receivable revenue transactions for a user-defined date range. It is organized into the following sections: Uncollected revenue, Written-off Revenue, and Collected Revenue.

Accounts Receivable

Statement Register

This report lists the statements generated as a part of the regular billing process.

Accounts Receivable

Write-off Selection Exception Report

This report indicates missing data or other errors in the Write-off Selection Exception process.

Accounts Receivable