Consolidated Statements for Customers

In order to facilitate decentralized control of the billing and collection processes, the system supports the ability to set up multiple customer accounts for an individual customer record. While this allows the control of billing and collection functions at the department and even the unit level, it can also result in individual customers receiving multiple statements if that customer is associated with more than one customer account.  To prevent customers from receiving multiple statements, the system provides the option of generating consolidated statements and consolidated past due statements that includes all transactions for the accounts for a customer.

You can distinguish whether a statement activity is associated with a central statement or an individual statement as follows:

The Statement and Past Due Statement batch jobs process activities associated with a central statement based on statement billing options (for example, statement dates, remittance information, due date lag, collection cycle, minimum billing thresholds, and so forth) defined on the Central Statement Billing Profile record rather than the Billing Profile record corresponding to the Billing Profile code. The jobs also look to the Vendor/Customer table rather than the Customer Account Options table to determine if Statement or Past Due Statement is suppressed for activities associated with a central statement.