Create a Cash Receipt

The following scenario illustrates the creation of a cash receipt to record a full payment against a specific receivable.

To create a Cash Receipt, perform these steps:

  1. Find the RE transaction that needs to be liquidated in the Transaction Catalog. Then use the Copy Forward functionality to create a new CR transaction.

  2. Complete the Header tab.

The following fields in the Header tab have not been copied from the RE transaction, and need to be completed:

  1. Bank Account: Select the bank that represents the entity that processed the receipt of cash.

  2. Payment Type

  3. Deposit Ticket & Deposit Date: Enter the Deposit Ticket and Deposit Date if the Print Deposit is set to False on the System Options table or if the Suppress Pend Print field is true on the Vendor Line.

  1. Complete the Vendor tab.

  1. Enter a Payment Date - The default is the Application System Date, but can be changed to reflect the date when the payment was received.

  2. Enter a Check / EFT Number if the payment being processed is a Check or EFT. If the Payment Type is Credit Card, enter Credit Card information. If the Payment Type is Debit Card, enter the Debit Card information.

  1. Perform the Validate action to validate for errors.

  2. If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 4.  If no errors exist, then continue with Step 6.

  3. Perform the Submit action to submit the transaction.

Related Topic(s):

  • For general information about editing or creating transactions, refer to the Transactions User Guide.