Customer Account Information

This table is updated by Receivable (RE), Cash Receipt (CR), Collection Agency Referral (CL), Write Off (WO), General Accounting Expense (GAX), and Internal Exchange Transaction transactions. It allows you to view and query customer balance and credit history information.

  • Current balances are displayed for Unliquidated amount, Liquidated Amount, Collected Amount, Outstanding Balance, Unreserved Credit Balance etc.

  • The drill-down feature is available for standalone amount fields and provides the ability to view the finalized transactions that have a non-zero impact against the amount field on the Detailed Transaction Listing page. Cancelled transactions, zero-dollar transactions, and transactions modified to zero will not be displayed as they do not have an impact on the total amount.

  • The number of occurrence and last occurrence date for Dunning message, collection letter, write offs, intercepts etc. are displayed.

This page also provides other information.

  • If the Billing Profile is changed from Invoice to Statement or Both, the system will add deposit, reserve credit, and account open balance records to the Statement Detail table using the Customer Account Information table.

  • The Central Statement flag, when selected, indicates that the customer has central statement turned on at this point in time.

The CUSTA page contains the following actions/links:

Row-level actions/linksRow-level actions/links