Establish Minimum Statement Amounts
You can suppress the printing of statements based on a minimum dollar threshold entered in the system. You can enter that minimum dollar amount for billing transactions on the System Options table; or override that setting on a case-by-case basis on the Billing Profile table.
In order to determine if a statement should be printed, the system will first consider the current balance for the Customer Account. Current Balance is calculated as:
Current Account Balance = Prior Account Balance + Total Charges - Total Write Offs - Total Payments+ Total Refund
On an individual statement, if the current balance is greater than the minimum dollar threshold, or the prior balance is greater than $0, a statement will be generated. On a central statement, if the current balance for any customer account covered by the central statement meets the minimum threshold, then a statement will be generated.
Statements that have not been printed will still update the Statement Detail table to allow for inquiry if needed.