Generate a Collection Transaction through Batch Processing
Referral to Collection Agency (CL) transactions can be created automatically based upon the information given in the Pending Collection Agency Referral table, which is loaded by an automatic process. Selection criteria stipulating the following information will be used to load the table.
Read accepted Receivable (RE) transactions and select if all of the following conditions are true:
The receivable type is ”regular"
The Billing Profile specifies a billing type of Invoice, Statement, or Both (not No Billing Required)
The difference between the receivable due date and the current system date is greater than or equal to the value in Past Due Days for Collection Referral from the System Options table or Billing Profile
The Transaction Outstanding Amount is greater than zero
Accounting lines with an Outstanding Amount greater than zero have only the event types of Billed Earned Revenue or Billed Vendor Refund.
After the Pending Collection Agency Referral table had been loaded, a second batch process can be run that will automatically generate Referral to Collection Agency transactions. This process reads the Pending Collection Agency Referral table and selects records if the Processing Status on the Pending Collection Agency Referral table is Approved for Collection. The process then generates one Referral to Collection Agency transaction (without accounting lines) for each selected Receivable transaction. Lastly, the Auto Apply action on the CL transaction is used to generate the corresponding accounting lines.