Generate Dunning Notice/Collection Letter
This page allows you to generate custom dunning notices or collection letters for invoice customers. These letters can be generated online or during the nightly process. Customized dunning notices or collection letters can be requested for overnight print by clicking the Dunning Notice/Collection Letter push button on the Invoice tab of the Billing and Collection Correspondence page. This page appears with the information from the last generated dunning notice or collection letter code, the next scheduled dunning notice or collection letter code and the next scheduled collection action date displayed. By selecting the desired dunning notice or collection letter code from the list of available codes and clicking the Request Notice push button, the selected code and the current date are updated in the next dunning notice or collection letter code and the next collection action date fields on the Invoice Print and Inquiry page. The dunning notice or collection letter can then be printed on demand by clicking the print button. A link to the dunning notice and collection letter text pages allows you to create a new dunning notice or collection letter text in the appropriate table and then select the new text from the Generate Dunning Notice/Collection Letter page.
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