Inferred and Defaulted Data on a Write-off

Data for the Write–off (WO) transaction can be inferred and/or defaulted at both the vendor/customer line and the accounting line levels.  For example, on the vendor/customer line such information as the Customer, Billing Profile, Due Date, Collections Status, and Intercept Status are inferred.  Chart of accounts information will be inferred when the precedence control setting on the Transaction Control table is set to Require Reference Precedence, additional codes allowed onto the accounting lines.

Event types on the Write-off transaction are automatically defaulted by the system based on the event type for the accounting lines referenced on the Receivable or Referral to Collection Agency transaction.  

This table below shows the write-off event type defaulted from each type of Receivable (RE) or Referral to Collection Agency (CL) transaction.

Receivable Event

Collection Event

Defaulted Write-off Event

Billed Earned Revenue

Billed Earned Revenue Sent to Collection

Direct OR Allowance Write-off

Billed Unearned Revenue

Not Allowed

Unearned Write-off

Billed Deposit

Not Allowed

Deposit Write-off

Billed Vendor Refund

Billed Vendor Refund Sent to Collection

Billed Vendor Refund Write-off

An error is returned by the system if the defaulted event type is modified on the Write-off transaction.  Additionally, an error is returned if the line type of the write-off accounting line is modified.  This data element will be inferred directly from the referenced Receivable or Referral to Collection Agency transaction.

The amount of the write-off accounting line is calculated by first reading the Receivable/Collection Accounting Line Outstanding Amount from the accounting line of the Receivable or Referral to Collection Agency transactions, and then multiplying it by the value in the Percent for Write-off field on the Write-off transaction.  This field is defaulted to be 100%, however, you can select an alternative whole number value down to 1%, which allows for partial write-offs.  Any accounting line with an outstanding amount of zero will not be inferred.  In addition, the inferred amount for any write-off event type may be modified to an amount less than or equal to the outstanding amount from the referenced transaction.  

If you replace the amount originally calculated by the system with a zero dollar amount, then nothing will be written-off; however, updates to the number of write-offs processed on the Customer Account Information table will still occur.