Issue Customer Refunds for Unreserved Credit Balances (UCB)

Depending on the options set on the System Options or Billing Profile table, unreserved credit balances can be refunded to customers automatically after a certain waiting period. When that period is up, the system automatically updates the Pending Credit Refund table with the customer’s information and their unreserved credit balance, and automatically creates General Accounting Expenditure (GAX) transactions that will generate payments for these customers.  

NOTE: This process generates transactions for refunds of unreserved credit balances only. Any other refund must be handled manually using this transaction.

Perform these steps to issue customer refunds for Unreserved Credit Balances:

  1. The Issue Payments for Unreserved Credit Balance chain job is executed in order to create and submit payment requests transactions to refund Unreserved Credit Balance. Refer to the CGI Advantage - Accounts Receivable Run Sheets Guide for information about this job. This chain job is composed of the following jobs:

On successful completion of the chain job, the following would take place:

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