Receivable Accounting

The Accounting line is the main data entry point in which you will enter accounting line and detail information associated with a receivable. Fields in this tab include event type, amount owed, description of obligation, and various additional chart of accounts information. Negative accounting lines are used to record customer credits.

The REI and RES transactions are unique with accounting lines. They are not entered manually but generated by choosing an accounting profile and specifying an expected amount. Validate and submit actions then create one or more accounting lines based on the accounting template record(s) of the accounting profile. The expected amount field is then split across accounting lines based on the percentage defined for each accounting template within the profile. No lines are generated if any already exist.

The majority of fields on the accounting line are common to accounting transactions and can be reviewed in the Transactions User Guide. A small number of fields are unique to receivable transactions.

Required/Conditionally Required Fields

Field Information