Sending Statements to Third Parties or "Parent" Locations

Advantage Financial supports sending statements to:

As part of originally setting up a customer in Advantage Financial, you must first establish the customer and any associated parent customer on the table. You can also use the Vendor/Customer table to establish valid third parties to whom bills associated with other customers can be sent. After establishing the customer, parent customer, and valid third parties on the Vendor/Customer table, you then use the Customer Account Options table to specify the valid billing location(s) to which statements should be sent for this customer. A statement cannot be sent to both a third party and a parent location. If the customer has a Central Statement Billing Profile specified on the Vendor/Customer table, then the Central Statement Billing Location on the Vendor/Customer table is used to specify if the customer or parent customer should be billed. Third party billing is not supported for central statements.

During the statement generation process, the system determines how many versions of a statement must be printed, and the mailing address for each generated transaction. Customer copies of statements sent to third parties or parent locations include a message indicating they are copies. Advantage Financial records all copies in the Print History table with selected destination and mailing addresses.