Understand the Deposit Reconciliation Process

An automated deposit reconciliation process is available and is controlled by settings on the System Options table. The deposit reconciliation process allows you to reconcile deposit records with the information returned to you from your bank. The process also allows you to view a list of deposits, sort the information by field name, and drill down to varying levels of detail.

If the deposit reconciliation process is available at your site, when a deposit ticket is printed, or a cash receipt that bypasses the print deposit ticket process is processed, the Deposit Reconciliation table is updated with the deposit ticket number, the deposit ticket date, and the deposit ticket amount. Additional detailed cash receipt information is also updated to the Deposit Detail table. Before the deposit reconciliation process is run, records on the Deposit Reconciliation table have a status of Outstanding.

The automated reconciliation process compares deposit records received from your bank with records on the Deposit Reconciliation table. When the deposit ticket number, the deposit date, and the amount on the Deposit Reconciliation table match the bank record, Advantage Financial changes the status of the deposit ticket on the Deposit Reconciliation table from Outstanding to Confirmed and moves the record to the Confirmed Deposits table. The system moves any unmatched items from the Deposit Reconciliation table to the Deposit Exception table from where you can research and correct such records according to your internal procedures.

This topic includes the following areas:

Viewing confirmed deposit data

Viewing exception deposit data

Reconciliation of electronic funds transfer deposits

Manually reconciling deposits