Batch Jobs
The jobs are listed alphabetically in the below table and the last column indicates the location in the Batch Catalog. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the following user guides: CGI Advantage - Budget Control Run Sheets and CGI Advantage - System Assurance Run Sheets.
Job Name |
Description |
Batch Catalog Section |
Budget Structure 90 Activity Load |
Loads FY and APD drilldown data for the special Budget Structure 90 level 2 Detail Inquiry. |
Budget |
Budget Rollup Update Job |
Updates selected budget inquiry records with the latest rollup values when those rollups are descriptive fields and not key fields to a budget line. |
Budget |
Calculate Budget Controls |
As part of the performance feature called Incremental Updates for budgeting, a table exists that maintains records for each budget control that may apply to a budget or allotment line. This job performs two actions on that table. The first is an initial loading of the table with records for all active controls for all established budget lines. The second action recalculates each record that is suspect for being incorrect and re-computes the amounts on that record. |
Budget |
System Assurance 10 |
Assures linked expense budget lines, links, and linked revenue budget lines. |
System Assurance |
System Assurance 11 |
Assures non-pending stand alone budget amounts updated by budget transactions. |
System Assurance |
System Assurance 12 |
Assures budget lines and the Budget Constraint Amount table. |
System Assurance |