Budget Formulas

The formulas used by those calculated amounts designed with flexibility in their calculation are defined on the Budget Formula Administration (BFADM) configuration page. Each formula is defined to just one calculated budget amount. Each formula is defined to just one calculated budget amount.

This page allows you to add, modify, or delete budget formulas that are used with modifications and deletions being actions generally discouraged. Adding new records should use a formula ID greater than 1100 as delivered formulas will never use an ID that large. The Greater Than (<) and Less Than (>) operators cannot be used in the Formula field on this page.

  • Formula ID – A required identification number that defines the budget formula with an ID that is then used in other budget configurations.

  • Formula Name – A required text description that identifies the formula online and in reports.

  • Formula Definition – A required description of the formula in mathematical terms that is visible on budget level inquiry pages for informational purposes. This formula is not used in system calculations.

  • Formula – A required description of the formula in reverse Polish notation that is used by the system in the calculation of an amount.

  • Field ID – The ID of the Budget Tracking Amount record for which the budget formula applies.

  • Needs Initialization – An indication that something fundamental with how the application determines the calculation has changed and needs to be addressed by a system administrator.