Budget Journal
All budget transactions that reach the Final transaction phase make an update to the Budget Journal (JBUD) with a record of each budget line and allotment line. This journal is the primary source of information to determine budget amounts for reporting, as the budget level inquiries contain data that is current and the journal can produce totals with time ranges and as-of-dates.
As budget transactions are not intended to remain in the Transaction Catalog for very long, because they cannot be modified or cancelled like accounting transactions, the Budget Journal becomes the audit trail for a budget line.
The journal contains the chart of account elements, rollups, descriptive fields, and flags on budget transactions so all budget transaction codes for all budget structures write to this one journal. Since all structures are recorded on a single journal, searching the Budget Journal is facilitated by fields for Structure and Level.
Unlike the Accounting Journal and other journals, determining what posts to this journal does not involve any Posting Code reference page setting. The budget transaction type automatically writes all budget and allotment lines to the journal.
When a record is written, only the COA values that defined the budget line are recorded. Unlike the Accounting Journal, the budget transaction and journal do not record the historical rollups for element codes at the time the element code was used. Also, there are no ledgers defined for the Budget Journal. The budget level pages are actually ledgers defined at either the budget fiscal year or inception-to-date level.