Budget Level Summary

A number of budget structures were designed with a summary inquiry page that is different from the normal budget inquiry page. This inquiry page is used to combine the amounts of many different budget lines to see both a summary total for a ‘primary’ set of keys with detail summaries at a ‘secondary’ key. For example you can see the total budget for a Fund and Department combination over each budget years (primary set of keys is Fund and Department) with a breakout of year-over-year amounts for the Fund and Department combination (secondary key of Budget FY). From the second set of summary records you can see how much budget availability and spending totals have fluctuated over the years.

Each summary page includes two tabs:

At the bottom of each summary page is a hyperlink that will transition a user to the budget level being summarized while performing a search on that budget level for all records that match the COA of the record selected in the grid.

If a summary page exists for a budget structure, it can be found by matching the following naming conventions for the budget structure (the first ##) and the budget level (the second ##):

SUM (Summary) + ## (Structure ID) + L (Level) + ## (Level ID) where the * is replaced by an E if an expense budget, R if a revenue budget, A if an appropriation budget, and P if a program budget = ESUM80L2 = Budget Structure 80 Level 2 ESUM.