Budget Levels
A budget level is part of a budget structure. Each budget structure must have at least one budget level. Each budget level is comprised of one to many Chart of Accounts elements that are grouped together to determine how individual budgets are defined at that level. For example, a budget level can consist of a Fund, Department, and Object. Budget levels form a strict hierarchy such that lower budget levels must contain all of the Chart of Accounts elements of the higher level, as well as at least one additional defining Chart of Accounts element.
The defined budget levels for a structure can be viewed in a summary on the second tab of the Budget Structure (BUDST) page. Updates are not allowed to levels on that tab, but can be accomplished by using the Budget Level Update listing in the Related Pages section of the row menu. As with the definition of a structure, there are items in the definition of a level that can and cannot be changed.
The configuration of a budget level is spread across multiple tabs, where the first one – Level – is the only one that applied to every budget level in every budget structure. The other four tabs apply to only those expense budget levels linked to a revenue budget level.