Budget Reserve
When a standard percentage of a budget amount should be withheld for a budget line, the Budget Reserve amount is a good option for reserving budget authority. Users with this method are not burdened with having to compute the amount to be withheld because the application will do that using the Reservation Type entered on a budget transaction for a budget line. Implementing this type of reservation requires the choice of just one budget amount for the percentage to apply. As delivered, formulas for the Budget Reserve field allow for reservations to Adopted, Allocated, Original Budget, and Current Budget. If one of the two calculated amounts is chosen, then the stand alone amounts used in the calculated amount should be reviewed to ensure the proper formula for that calculated amount is selected.
Making the reservation requires a budget transaction to have a Reservation Type entered for the budget line. This can but is not required to happen when any stand-alone budget amount such as Adopted is being changed by the budget transaction. The budget transaction will then save the Reservation Type to the budget line and force the application to populate the Budget Reserve amount as directed by the formula chosen for that field. With this method, the formula for either Current or Original Budget will then subtract the Budget Reserve amount in order to reduce availability. When the time comes to release the reserved amount (part or in total), the Percent field on the Reservation Type (RSRVT) record is modified. Saving the updated record will force the recalculation of Budget Reserve on all budget lines with that Reservation Type in that year.
This type of reserve also has the ability to increase the amount reserved across budget lines with the Reservation Type and year combination with the increasing of the percentage field. As a result, some budget lines could actually become negative, but no errors will be issued. A complication with this type of reserve is when it is desired to release authority for just some budget lines. In such a case it would take a budget transaction to associate those budget lines with a different Reservation Type (likely 0% but not necessarily) instead of changing the Percent field.
Below is a sample of an implementation where the Budget Reserve formula involves the Original Budget Amount field and Original Budget has the following formula: Adopted + Carry Forward. Current Budget has the following formula: Original Budget - Budget Reserve + Amendments + Transfers In - Transfers Out - Reversions. The sample demonstrates that this type of reserve is one done by users with budget transaction security.
If Current Budget is to be multiplied by the reservation percentage, then the formula for Current Budget or Original Budget must not include the Budget Reserve amount. To do so would put the system into a loop. What has to be done in this case is that any budget controls used for available budget must subtract Budget Reserve as part of its formula, or a calculated amount field in such a budget control must subtract Budget Reserve. For example, the baseline constraint #1 would have to have the Left Hand Side field changed to subtract Budget Reserve on the Budget Control Administration record. Alternatively, a formula could be used for Uncommitted that subtracts Budget Reserve from Current Budget.