Budget Structures
Budget structures consist of one to many budget levels that correspond to increasingly more detailed levels of budgeting in the structure. Information about budget structures can be viewed on the Budget Structure (BUDST) page and updates can be made via the Budget Structure Update action. Only those budget structure parameters that can be configured online are editable. Those that have a design impact are protected.
Structure ID - A required unique number is assigned to each budget structure when developed.
Structure Name - A required text field exists for a descriptive name of the budget structure that would be used for reporting purposes.
Budget Type - A required choice of different budget types -Managerial, Program, Statutory, and Reimbursable - exists to mark a particular budget structure as such for reporting purposes.
Expense/Revenue - Each budget structure has this attribute to indicate whether the budget should support expense or revenue budgets or both.
Central/Decentral - The required distinction of central or decentral for a budget structure is used for reporting purposes.
Inheritance Rules - There are many locations at which budget control setups can be defined. When evaluating these controls after an update, the system has to determine which error severity setup will apply to a control when multiple locations contain the same control. The rule reads right to the left with decreasing inheritance. Much more on the use of this field is contained in the Structuring of the Levels of Control section later.
Active - The system will only consider active budget structures. Structures not being used should be deactivated.
Effective From / Effective To - Currently, these dates do not have a function within the application.
Last Modified By / Last Modified Date - These fields track online changes made to a budget structure through the Budget Structure Update page.
Budget Fiscal Year Driven - When a budget structure is to be defined yearly, the Budget Fiscal Year (BFY) must be built into the database tables for that structure. Those budget structures that are not defined yearly are useful as 'no year' budgets, and do not have a BFY in their design. Cost Accounting budgets for reimbursement are of this no year type.
Transfer In and Out COA Offset - Budget transactions have to balance when recording transfers. The sum of lines with a transfer in event type must equal those with a transfer out event type. If using only one of those two event types, the sum of all lines must be $0.00 using the Increase/Decrease field. When one or more chart of accounts (COA) are required in this balancing edit, enter them as by data attribute (for example, DEPT_CD), separating multiple values with a comma. One attribute that is not a COA is available – BFY.
Enable Dollar Rounding for Allotment Lines - When allotments lines are required to be rounded down to the previous dollar level, it is enabled for Dollar Rounding. This will instruct the system to round down allotment lines to the previous dollar and adjust the last allotment line with the remaining amount. If the last allotment line has 0% the system will inform the user about adjustment amount, which can be manually adjusted if that allotment line should remain zero.
Please note that a bounce is required after most fields on this page.
This page contains several other related pages in the row menu that transition to budget configuration pages that will be covered in later sections.